But this is not what you mean. You mean that I fail to realize that we live in a deeply racist system where justice is class justice, although I do believe this and have said it. You think that I have all sort of ideological illusions that equal justice under law means something. Presumably this is because I don't say, Death to pig fascist AmeriKKKa, or something like that. Well, I never pretended to be more revolutionary than thou.
In a message dated Mon, 28 Feb 2000 2:05:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Carl Remick" <carlremick at hotmail.com> writes:
> >Btw I presume it was me at whom Carl Remnick was sneering under the name of
> >Jason as the person whose obsequiousness towards the majesty of the law
> >ought to be given a pause by the Diallo case because the cops got off all
> >legally and everything. However, I can recognize injustice because even
> >though I think that our law embodies ideals worth fighting to realize. The
> >transfer to Albany and the resulting verdict was a farce, but it's a farce
> >because it makes a political joke of the idea of equal justice under law.
> But those ideals remain forever in the display case -- they're never
> actually taken out and used in difficult cases like this. What confounds me
> is the way all the intricate legal gears meshed so perfectly during the
> Diallo case to give the appearance of due process with none of the
> substance. Plausibility was delivered; justice denied.
> Carl
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