> Hence the importance now of struggles against racism, sexism and
>homophobia, against senseless violence, rampant consumerism and
>environmental destruction, and for new ways of living with one another and
>with nature.
Sounds remarkably like Tony Blair's Third Way: regulate the workforce along sectional lines, restrain working class consumption in the name of 'saving the environment' and develop new forms of state regulation of interpersonal behaviour.
> I propose, among other things,
>a policy of "socialist protectionism" which will put a tariff on goods
>coming from countries where wages are lower or environmental restrictions
>are less than in the importing country to bring the price of the goods up
>to that they would be if workers abroad were paid the same wage as
>domestic workers and subject to the same environmental restrictions.
Or in other words, first world protectionism against third world goods.
>funds collected from importers generated by this tariff is then *rebated*
>to the poor country exporting the goods.
Such aid, as is well documented now, only has the effect of destroying local industry. -- Jim heartfield