Civil Society Marches Toward Global Governance

Carl Remick carlremick at
Tue Jan 11 06:16:53 PST 2000

>Soft Gramscians also talk about civil society in rather bland terms. I
>personally believe it is an important concept, but for Marx it was much
>more problematical. It is an arena in which bourgeois right is fought out,
>always at best limited as a social right, and treated in an idealised way
>but in reality in the pay of the bourgeoisie and its allies.
>Nevertheless a terrain of battle.

Is it ever. E.g., conservative columnist George Melloan is all het up about CS in the Wall Street Journal today. "It is the dark side of civil society that deserves more attention," states Melloan, citing such pernicious examples as the Mafia and -- horror of horrors -- the anti-WTO coalition that demonstrated in Seattle.

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