Ekonomika i Zhizn, No. 50 (1999) RUSSIAN ECONOMICS '99 [translation from RIA Novosti for personal use only]
Industrial Production as per Industries
October 1999 in % as January-October 1999
against September 1999 in % as against January
- October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------- Power engineering 135.8 100.7 Fuel industry 105.5 102.3 Ferrous metallurgy 101.3 112.4 Non-ferrous metallurgy 88.7 110.1 Chemical and 99.6 121.0 petrochemical industry Machine building and 95.4 114.5 metal-working Timber, wood-working, 102.2 117.2 pulp-and-paper industry Building materials 97.4 110.0 Glass and whiteware 112.0 111.5 industry Light industry 101.7 113.1 Food production 100.8 110.5 Microbiological industry 100.0 134.7 Flour-and-cereals and 102.3 106.1 mixed feed industry Medical industry 116.0 104.5 Printing industry 101.4 104.3 Others 102.8 109.4 --------------------------------------------------------
Food Price Index (end of period in %) --------------------------------------------------------
October 1999 as against
December 1998 September 1999 -------------------------------------------------------- Meat and poultry 132.8 100.8 Fish and sea-food 131.7 100.5 Butter 101.0 102.1 Sunflower-seed oil 118.4 98.0 Milk and dairy products 127.5 103.5 Granulated sugar 73.0 100.1 Bread and bakery products 168.0 102.3 Cereals and legumes 200.7 97.2 Macaroni products 139.3 102.2 Fruit and vegetable products 119.1 98.4 Alcoholic beverages 136.3 101.9 --------------------------------------------------------
Price of Basket Containing 25 Basic Food Products in October
(per capita) --------------------------------------------------------
REGION BASKET PRICE (rubles) --------------------------------------------------------
Northern region 587.2
Northwestern region 558.6
Central region 591.0
Volgo-Vyatsky region 477.8
Central-Chernozemny region 495.6
Volga region 476.3
North-Caucasian region 505.8
Ural region 497.9
West Siberian region 538.1
East Siberian region 569.9
Far Eastern region 707.0 -------------------------------------------------------
Among republic capitals, regional and territory centres and federal cities the highest price of a basket containing 25 basic food products was registered in Magadan (897.3 rubles), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (892.7 rubles) and Yakutsk (876.0 rubles) with the lowest one recorded in Ulyanovsk (408.7 rubles), Kazan (420.9 rubles) and Barnaul (432.1 rubles).
The price of the same basket in Moscow increased by 0.6% during the month, reaching as high as 721.1 rubles by the end of October, going down by 0.5% (580.6 rubles) in St. Petersburg.
Nonfood Price Index (end of period in %)
Nonfood prices went up by 2.2% in October of this year as compared with September. --------------------------------------------------------
October 1999 as against
December 1998 September 1999 -------------------------------------------------------- Textile goods 152.3 102.7 Clothes and underwear 142.1 103.5 Knitwear 146.3 103.3 Footwear 144.2 103.5 Detergents 132.1 100.3 Tobacco goods 116.5 100.3 Electrical devices 120.7 100.8 TV- and radio devices 115.4 100.5 Gasoline 272.4 107.7 Medicines 138.8 101.8 --------------------------------------------------------
Prices and Tariffs for Chargeable Consumer Services
(end of period in %) --------------------------------------------------------
October 1999 as against
December 1998 September 1999 --------------------------------------------------------- Consumer services 122.4 102.0 Passenger transportation 137.6 104.5 Communications 133.9 101.0 Housing services 128.8 101.3 Education 128.7 100.7 Cultural institutions 142.4 105.4 Medical services 130.7 101.9 ---------------------------------------------------------
Postal services, their tariffs being set on the federal level, were at the top of the price-increase list with a 10.9% upsurge in a month. Air transport tariffs went up by 10.8%. Motor-transport services, cinema and theatre tickets became 5.6% - 8.0% more expensive. Like in the preceding month, a significant growth of prices for physical training and sports services was marked in October, reaching 5.0%.
Maximum and Minimum Consumer Price Changes
as per Regions in October 1999 --------------------------------------------------------
Maximum Price index, % -------------------------------------------------------- Sakhalin region 104.3 Magadan region 103.4 Republic of Khakassia 103.2 Kaliningrad region 103.2 Pskov region 103.0 Omsk region 103.0 Vladimir region 99.9 -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
Minimum Price index, % -------------------------------------------------------- Vologda region 99.9 Ryazan region 100.2 Kostroma region 100.3 Krasnodar territory 100.3 Amur region 100.5 -------------------------------------------------------
The 11.9% price increase of alcoholic beverages together with the 9.9% and 4.7% rises for chargeable services and nonfoods correspondingly, have significantly influenced the substantial growth of consumer goods prices and chargeable services for the population in the Sakhalin Region. In the Magadan Region chargeable services for the population have become 9.5% more expensive. Consumer price indexes in Moscow and St. Petersburg have reached 102.1% and 101.7% (a respective growth of 141.3% and 137.2% since the beginning of the year).
Basic Living Standard Indices ----------------------------------------------------------
October In % as against January - Information
1999 October October 1999 October 1998
1998 in % as against in % as against
September January - October 1997
1999 October September 1998
1998 ---------------------------------------------------------- Monetary 1,646 148.7 105.6 159.7 115.2 112.8 revenues (per capita average), rubles* ---------------------------------------------------------- Real 93.4 104.0 80.6 73.8 107.8 monetary incomes Average monthly salary per employee, paid*: ---------------------------------------------------------- Nominal, rubles 1,717 154.5 102.0 140.5 106.7 100.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- Real 98.3 100.6 70.7 67.2 96.1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Real actual 92.4 final consumption of households** --------------------------------------------------------- Living wage927 161.8 100.8 196.0 142.1 103.8 (per capita average), rubles --------------------------------------------------------- Population 49.9*** 149.0*** 33.5*** quantity with revenues lower than living wage (mln. persons)*** --------------------------------------------------------- In % to total 34.1*** 22.8*** population --------------------------------------------------------- * Estimate ** The real decrease in the actual final consumption of the households in the first 6 months of the current year as compared with the corresponding period of the last year was considerably higher than the recession of the GDP (8% and 1% correspondingly). Such a situation has occurred for the first time in the last few years, being the result of a downfall of the purchasing capacity of the population coupled with a drop in imports of goods and services and a substantial increase of export. Figures for the first 6 months' period. *** Figures for January-September periods of the corresponding years.
-------------------------------------------------------- Jinee factor 0.396*** 0.374*** (income concentration index) -------------------------------------------------------- Assets ratio, 14.5*** 13.1*** times --------------------------------------------------------
Producers' Price Changes per Industries
(end of period, %) --------------------------------------------------------
October 1999 as against
December 1998
September 1999 -------------------------------------------------------- Power engineering 112.3 100.6 -------------------------------------------------------- Fuel industry, 217.9 115.2 including: -------------------------------------------------------- Oil industry 225.9 120.4 -------------------------------------------------------- Oil-refining industry 330.4 112.9 -------------------------------------------------------- Gas production 119.3 101.7 -------------------------------------------------------- Coal mining 117.0 106.0 -------------------------------------------------------- Ferrous metallurgy 174.5 105.1 -------------------------------------------------------- Non-ferrous metallurgy 183.2 103.0 -------------------------------------------------------- Chemical industry 134.0 102.5 -------------------------------------------------------- Petrochemical industry 149.5 105.6 --------------------------------------------------------- Machine building 143.2 102.7 --------------------------------------------------------- Timber, woodworking, pulp 157.2 102.9 and paper industry --------------------------------------------------------- Building materials 129.6 103.0 --------------------------------------------------------- Light industry 147.1 103.8 --------------------------------------------------------- Food industry 160.1 102.6 ---------------------------------------------------------
Cargo Transportation Tariffs Index (end of period in %) ---------------------------------------------------------
October 1999 as against
December 1998
September 1999 --------------------------------------------------------- Freight transportation 113.1 100.9 including: ---------------------------------------------------------- Railway transport 100.0 100.0 Motor transport 153.0 107.0 Sea transport 124.0 103.2 Internal water transport 143.3 104.8 Air transport 139.4 102.5 Pipe-line transport 116.6 100.1 ----------------------------------------------------------
Average Monthly Salaries Paid per Industries
(per employee) -----------------------------------------------------------
Average monthly salaries paid in September
In % as against August 1999 -----------------------------------------------------------
1 2 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sum total, 1,684 104.6 including: Industry, 2,087 104.3 Together with: Power engineering 3,055 103.4 Fuel industry 4,836 106.3 Ferrous metallurgy 2,346 103.7 Non-ferrous metallurgy 3,756 112.2 Chemical and petrochemical industry 1,976 102.4 Machine building and metal-working 1,567 103.5 Timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry 1,773 104.8 Building materials industry 1,605 100.4 Glass and whiteware industry 1,363 102.8 Light industry 897 104.2 Food industry 1,985 102.4 Microbiological industry 1,907 96.1 Flour-and-cereals and mixed feed industry 1,877 108.0 Medical industry 1,836 105.6 Printing industry 1,869 102.2 Civil construction 2,049 106.5 Agriculture 721 108.7 Forestry 1,123 113.0 Transport 2,468 99.3 Communications 2,244 101.7 Trade and catering, 1,316 101.3 including: Retail trade 1,039 103.6 Catering 971 115.0 Wholesale trade of consumer goods 1,715 100.3 Wholesale trade of production and technical products 2,229 107.0 Housing and communal services 1,481 101.3 Public health, physical training and social services 993 102.6 Education 924 120.2 Culture and arts 898 112.1 Science and research services 1,877 113.4 Finance, credits and insurance 3,025 95.4 Administration 1,922 101.8 --------------------------------------------------------
According to an October 1, 1999 estimate, the permanent population of the Russian Federation totalled 145,700,000. The January-September period of 1999 saw a further decrease of Russia's population by 579,400 persons or 0.4% (as compared with 287,200 persons or 0.2% in the corresponding period of 1998).
A certain acceleration of the depopulation process is caused by the growth of the natural loss of population coupled with a simultaneous reduction of the migratory growth stemming from the migratory population exchange with foreign countries (mostly with CIS member-states and Baltic countries). This resulted in only a 13.3% compensation by the positive migratory balance of the natural population loss in January-September of 1999 (as compared with a 44.1% compensation in the same period of 1998).
Indices of Natural Population Changes (in thou. pers.) ---------------------------------------------------------
January 1999-September 1998 --------------------------------------------------------- Born 928.3 978.2 Deceased 1,596.6 1,491.9 Including infants up to 1 year of age 15.7 15.8 Natural population loss - 668.3 - 513.7 Marriages 653.6 633.0 Divorces 379.7 379.2 ---------------------------------------------------------