Valid Conspiracy Theory

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Fri Jan 14 10:21:12 PST 2000

Chip mentioned a confererence with Bill Domhoff and Holly Sklar. Bill was one of my favorite teachers at UCSC. When I saw his work and Sklar's cited on far right "conspiracy theory" lists and websites, I e-mailed him for a comment. Got this back. And btw, on his college office door at Kresge College at UCSC, he had a great Doonesberry (sic.?) cartoon of him, drawing a great "power structure" flow chart on a chalkboard and giving a great, hands up in the last frame, at the complexity of the spider-web of ruling class connections. Another favorite teacher at UCSC, Michael Rotkin, an ex-NAM member and the socialist Mayor of Santa Cruz many times now, had a great cartoon from a 70's copy of Radical America that satirized the Marxist-Leninist party building movements of the 70's. Form your own M-L party, choose the following- "Worker" "Revolutionary", etc. I'm gonna have to visit Mike and make a copy for my files!

And to Daniel, can you scan a cover of "Soviet Planning Today"? Send it to my e-mail address, I'll put it next to my Earl Browder pamphlet with the "Communism is the Americanism of the 20th Century!"

Michael Pugliese .......................................................................... Dear Michael,

thanks for thinking of me RE differentiating from the right wingers, and happily, I have a section called There Are No Conspiracies in the first chapter of the 1998 edition of Who Rules America?, with a footnote to the long 1970 rejection of such theories, but there is no stopping those folks when they get going.

Best wishes,

Bill ......................................................................

Daniel Davies wrote: ...>books like Peter Wright's "Spycatcher"

Ya, add book editors to the list of supposed and real bumblers, (alluding to Daniel's comment on the spy agency bumblers, btw who was that drunk the CIA counter-intelligence guy, oh 'ya Aldrich Ames, they left in place for years!), my step-Aunt gave my the "Spycatcher" book. I flipped through, and when I saw one of the Cambridge Spys (Burgess, Philby, McLean) identified as a "Trotskyite" I threw it away with a disgusted laugh. The CPGB of the thirties "Trotskyite"? What a hoot! And btw, why do CP'ers (like Scott Marshall, sorry) still say, Trotskyite, instead of "Trotskyist"? It's as silly as the GOP yahoos that always say "Democrat" party instead of Democratic. I know the "ite" and "ist" suffix thing is somewhat arbitrary as in Schactmanite, Lovestoneite, Stalinist, etc.

Michael Pugliese

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