Valid Conspiracy Theory

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Fri Jan 14 13:30:28 PST 2000

>>> Wojtek Sokolowski <sokol at> 01/14/00 04:20PM >>>
Ditto. Conspiracy theories attribute the superior position of th eruling class to their eveil intelligence, but seem to be oblivious to the fact that it is the control of material resources that really matters. A moron with resources can beat a genius without them.


CB: All of class history proves the opposite of this proposition. The oppressed and exploited classes in history have always been majorities and therefore had more resources than the minority ruling classes that oppressed and exploited them. It has always and only been the superior consciousness of tiny elites that has allowed them to control groups with vastly greater resources. By Wojtek's formula the revolution would have occurred among the first slave societiies.


A good illustration comes form a poker game. You can have a full house and all the poker genius in the world, but if a moron with a pair of jacks bets more than you can match, you can stick your full house and your poker genius to you know what. The moron wins the game.


CB: Of course the point is that a socalled moron will make a mistake and squander his superior hand ( "resources").

Ruling classes always have fewer resources, because they have many fewer people. They rule because they have superior class consciousness ( know how to play poker better).


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