Bill Bradley's Health Plan Is No Cure

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Sun Jan 16 17:37:56 PST 2000

[From the December Progressive Magazine]


Bill Bradley's Health Plan Is No Cure


Bradley Healch Care Plan


evident than in health care. In September, Bill Bradley,

the former Democratic Senator from New Jersey and current

Presidential candidate, declared his support for health reforms

previously espoused by the ultraconservative Heritage Foundation.

Bradley's plan is at its core profoundly reactionary, a vehicle for

the Heritage Foundation's explicit agenda of "rolling back the welfare


Bradley's plan has already been endorsed by Chip Kahn, president of

the powerful lobbying group the Health Insurance Association of

America. And little wonder: Insurance companies and HMOs stand to gain

billions of tax dollars from the Bradley plan, while Americans would

still have no right to health care.

Bradley has impressed many with his ideas on race (and his jump shot).

Yet his health proposal is so shameless in its $200 billion transfer

of tax dollars to the private insurance industry that it might have

made Richard Nixon blush. At a time when the possibilities for

progressive reform seem bright, why are Bradley's health care

proposals so backward?

Meanwhile, Al Gore would not guarantee the right to health care

either. Nor would he loosen the chokehold of the insurance industry

over health policy. At most, he trumpets his support for the Patient

Bill of Rights, advocates putting additional money into the failed

Children's Health Insurance Plan, and proposes a modest tax credit so

that some in the fifty-five to sixty-five age group could buy into


While national health insurance was espoused by Warren Beatty's

fictional Senator Bulworth, not a single real-life candidate has the

courage to advocate the nonprofit national health insurance program

America needs and Democrats supported from the New Deal era until the

1992 Clinton candidacy.

BRADLEY HAS COMPARED HIS PROPOSAL for the 11.1 million uninsured

children to the Medicare program for seniors. This is nonsense.

Medicare has guaranteed seniors basic health coverage for more than

thirty years. Bradley's proposal is a mandate that parents buy their

children private insurance. Admonishing parents to buy private

coverage--even if such coverage were affordable and available (which

it's not)--is a long way from guaranteeing kids coverage.

Bradley's plan relies on tax credits and a new federal bureaucracy to

help poor families afford children's coverage. The subsidies would

tempt employers to drop coverage of employees and their children but

wouldn't be adequate to help many low- and middle-income families buy

private coverage. This is exactly what happened with the federal

Children's Health Insurance Plan, the most recent incremental effort

to increase coverage. In 1998 alone, the number of uninsured children

rose 330,000, following rises of 188,000 in 1997 and 755,000 in 1996.

Bradley also proposes privatizing Medicaid, the current government

insurance program that covers some of the poor and the disabled, as

well as nursing home costs for poor seniors. The $193 billion in

current Medicaid spending would go to private insurers. The nonelderly

Medicaid recipients would get a voucher to purchase private coverage

from plans participating in the Federal Employees Health Benefits

Program. Bradley would also offer tax credits to the uninsured to buy

into that program.

As for the poor elderly who receive help from Medicaid with nursing

home and long-term care costs, Bradley would simply end thirty years

of joint state and federal responsibility for their care and turn this

over to the states completely (just in time for the boomers'

retirement). Bradley would do the same for the disabled, risking the

loss of the safety net for this vulnerable community.

With premiums rising at 8 percent per year, poor adults with Bradley's

fixed tax subsidies or skimpy vouchers would be able to afford only

the cheapest plans (mainly HMOs) in the Federal Employees Health

Benefits Program, not the high-end coverage that members of Congress

receive. Many millions of uninsured would continue to fall through the

cracks. As with children, the tax subsidies for adults are inadequate

to cover all the uninsured but might encourage employers to drop

coverage to low-income workers.

For seniors, Bradley would create an optional prescription drug

benefit to cover medication costs over $500 annually. Seniors would

have to sign up and pay an extra premium for this modest benefit.

Bradley's tepid proposal barely scratches the surface of that problem.


ideas. For years, that foundation has pushed a similar plan for

privatizing Medicare in an attempt to reduce public control while

directing tax dollars to private insurers. Heritage scholars argue

that consumers will choose the most efficient private plans and that

competition in the market will reduce costs.

However, the evidence from seniors who have opted for HMOs is that

private plans are actually more costly than traditional coverage. The

U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) found that Medicare lost $1.3

billion in 1998 by enrolling seniors in HMOs.

In the past two years alone, Medicare HMOs have dumped 750,000 seniors

who proved unprofitable. HMOs have recruited seniors by routinely

misleading them about benefits. This year, Medicare HMOs are

dramatically scaling back the prescription drug coverage that lured

many seniors into HMOs in the first place. A four-year study of

quality of care by John Ware, published in the October 2, 1996, issue

of the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that seniors

were more likely to decline in health under HMO care than in the

traditional Medicare program. Yet, instead of recognizing the failures

of Medicare privatization, the Heritage Foundation and its allies in

Congress push on.

While traditional Medicaid is a program of uneven quality, with large

variations by state, the record of for-profit HMOs in treating

Medicaid patients has clearly been worse. Florida officials banned

twenty-one of the state's twenty-nine Medicaid HMOs from expanding

enrollment several years ago after systematic abuse of patients was

uncovered not by state auditors but by courageous investigative

reporters at a local newspaper. These HMOs used fraudulent marketing

tactics (for instance, telling patients they would lose their Medicaid

if they didn't enroll), delivered poor-quality care, disenrolled sick

patients, and spent up to 70 percent of program costs on overhead and


In Oregon, the percentage of poor women with inadequate prenatal care

and the percentage of low-birth-weight babies rose after Medicaid

recipients were pushed into HMOs. A large experiment in which families

were randomly assigned to HMOs found that low-income persons fared

particularly poorly in the HMO setting.

A national health care system is financially viable. According to

studies by both the GAO and the Congressional Budget Office, a

single-payer national health program would streamline health care

paperwork and, in doing so, save enough money to cover the 44.3

million uninsured. It would allow patients to choose their own

physicians and hospitals, a right citizens of most industrialized

countries take for granted.

Drug companies have the highest rate of profit of any industry, and

the United States has the highest drug prices in the world. According

to a study by Alan Sager and Deborah Socolar at Boston University, if

the U.S. government used its bargaining clout to negotiate drug prices

down to Canadian levels, the savings (about $16.2 billion) would be

sufficient to provide the seventy million Americans lacking drug

coverage with necessary medications.

A recent New York Times article noted that the economy of Sweden is

doing so well that the government is giving seniors the right to have

a personal home care assistant. But when the U.S. economy does well,

as it has since 1992, another seven million people are thrown into the

ranks of the uninsured.

No nation has ever achieved universal health care through the market.

We and the 8,500 doctors at Physicians for a National Health Program

believe that health care should not be a business but a human service

that should be delivered through nonprofit national health insurance.

The United States spends nearly twice as much on health care as any

other industrialized country, including Sweden, and yet is the only

one of these countries that does not guarantee universal coverage.

An editorial in the Bangor Daily News recently argued that "health

care should be regarded as an essential part of an enlightened

society" and that "health care ought to be viewed as a right of

citizenship and not an obligation of business." Instead of tinkering

with tax credits and HMOs, the candidates should be debating more

fundamental questions.

Bill Bradley and Al Gore are pushing the corporate health agenda under

the cover of liberal rhetoric. That's no way to get progressives'


Dr. Ida Hellander is Executive Director of Physicians for a National

Health Program, based in Chicago. Dr. Steffie Woolhandler is Associate

Professor of Medicine at Harvard and Co-Founder of Physicians for a

National Health Program.

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Madison, WI.

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