Subject: Marx no racist/Gouldner, Heller and Parsons to go, well think I'll skip that structural-functionalism, gives me a headache...

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Sun Jan 23 09:24:23 PST 2000

This debate reminds me of an early 1970's article by Carlos Moore, Jr., in the Berkeley Journal of Sociologyentitled, I think, " Marx, Prolet-Aryan Racist?, " (at least the editorial collective put the ? mark there?!?! Call Michael Kimmell at Rutgers (?), he was on the collective at the time.) It was answered, if memory serves, by the late, much lamented, Alvin Gouldner. Will look in my copy of , "The Two Marxisms, " of his to see what he later, might have had to say on this.

And BTW, add his, "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology, " and C.W. Mills, "The Sociological Imagination, " and Christopher Sampson's, "Blowback, The Recruitment of Nazi's Into the Postwar Intelligence bla bla, " to the list. (Remembered that last one because, Talcott Parsons, as Jon Weiner wrote once, in The Nation, after that windbag died, pulled some strings for German Nazis after the war to get them to work for the Harvard Russian Research Center. The honorable Menshevik emigres like David Dallin and Boris Nicolevsky (spelling?) must have working alongside those scum. BTW, have it, haven't done more than crack the spine, the new book by Andre Liebich, From The Other Shore, Russian Social Democracy After 1921, " Harvard Univ. Press. Won the Frankel Prize in Contemporary History. Picked it up after reading a piece of his in an issue of Dissent years ago on Rudolf Hilferding and his analysis of Stalinism in 1940 entitled, "State Capitalism or Totalitarian State Economy." Also see Andreas Wildt piece in Telos #41, "Totalitarian State Capitalism, " and Antonio Carlo, "The Socio-Economic Nature of the USSR, " Telos #21 as well as the book by 3 members of the Budapest School students of Lukacs, Agnes Heller et. al., "Dictatorship Over Needs, " (preporatory papers for this were published in Socialist Review in 1986 or so in a two part article, "Eastern Left, Western Left.") A friend who turned Derridean after collegiate Maoism (those Yale English Dept. folks!) highly recommended Agnes Heller's book, "Renaissance Man, " as a good read. She publishes in Thesis Eleven and elsewhere. Rakesh, Yoshie, Daniel, Jim Heartfield or other lbo'ers read her stuff?

Michael Pugliese

P.S. Remember months ago, people complaining they got some racist named J. P. Rushton pamphlet in the mail? The neo-con Irving Louis Horowitz apologizes in the inside front cover of the latest issue of Society/Transaction, full page. Don't miss the latest neo-connery from U. Mass. polemicist Paul Hollander attacking the Marxisant academy in the USA. Damnit if his book, "Political Pilgrims, " wasn't such a good source on the most naive, well intentioned, statements of the Western intelligentsia on their trips to the fSU, China, N. Vietnam, Cuba, from Wells to Sontag.

Michael Pugliese

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