Spivak & Eagleton

Daniel F. Vukovich vukovich at uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 27 10:02:17 PST 2000

At 12:03 AM 1/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Daniel F. Vukovich wrote:
>>psycho-cyber-stalinist in Furuhi
>A couple of people have complained that this is, oh, excessive. It
>probably is. And it's Yoshie Furuhashi; don't know a Furuhi.

Interestingly, a few people have also noted how caustic, but also how accurate and one, how "devastating." (Go figure.) This last *is* excessive, since it will certainly not stop the constant baiting, the hectoring, the insulting, the harping, the willful ignorance, the windmill-tilting, the whole force-over-reason shtick which is (was?) paradigmatic of Stalinism. It is also mad, madder than philosophy itself. Ergo, and inter alia, see the adjectival string, above. See also this obsession with the Posties "stealing one's enjoyment," as they say, or with "ruining" this here list, or with displacing (self-professed) True Revolutionary Marxists from their rightful place as the leaders of the intelligentsia, with being "symptomatic" of both Late Capitalism and of the decline of the "left" if not Western Civ., etc. ad nauseum.

If you don't see this, you're on a different list than I. Not that it should only be, or is one thing. I also thought turnabout was fair play. If you want to trash people by making them (by trying to make them) look stupid, and by assailing their motivations, their politics, their class blood-line, their betrayals of the masses, their "forgetting of historical materialism," and other such nonsense, well then, it is only reasonable that you and your comrades on this list should develop a thick skin.

As for Yoshie's name, I *honestly* thought it was Furuhi, so now I know better. Perhaps name misspellings are parapraxes, as Doug suggests, but otoh, perhaps not. I have tried to suggest, twice before, that I no longer read Yoshie's posts. This is not an insult really, and I encourage you all to read them, every word yourselves; but in fact I do this _in part_ to avoid flame wars. Forgive me if I respond anyway, if I catch wind of having been trashed.

I apologize, Yoshie and whomever else, for mistaking your name.

Other than that, I have nothing to admit.


------------------------------------------------------ Daniel F. Vukovich Dept. of English; The Unit for Criticism University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 ------------------------------------------------------

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