> Indeed. If you look at Robert Wade's article about the writing of the
> World Bank's study of the _East Asian Miracle_, there are only two
> guys with clout who come off as heroes, eager to have the staff do
> their work and let the chips fall where they may.
> One outside World Bank consultant... Joseph Stiglitz
> One World Bank vice president... Lawrence Summers
What should we glean from this? Are Joseph Stiglitz and Lawrence Summers really on the same page after all? Doesn't this compress - to put it mildly - the significant, some might say radical differences between those two public servants?
Brad, this reminds me of your post last year soon after Oskar Lafontaine's resignation. Responding to an article by Noam Chomsky posted to the list, you scoffed at the idea that Robert Rubin/Larry Summers might have been pleased to see Oskar go.
Since the conventional wisdom holds that Rubin/Summers are very far apart from Lafontaine or Stiglitz, please elucidate: Is the conventional wisdom wrong?