U.S.: Un Paraiso de Locos

Joanna Sheldon cjs10 at cornell.edu
Mon Jan 31 17:57:49 PST 2000


>>>Hola, dudes.
>paula figures that all the chicks here gotta really be dudes
>because...well...only dudes argue like dudes and.or can survive at lbo.

Paula? (I seem to be nothing but question marks today?) That was Max... who thought I was puzzled by the "Hola" which is why I reposted my message with explanatory text. --Survival of the dudest, is it? Well, the chicks have come home to roost, I think, and dudes can make room on the perch.

>has something to do with the penis and a poem about how violence, etc are
>attributable to that organ.

Ah yes, well, violence is all very well in its place and so are physical appendages...


And much appreciated they are.

>[once likened to one of paula's tomcats who she was planning on neutering.
>though carrol called paula a rube. so. look, just don't take my yellow
>sandpail joanna. or someone will aufgehoben in the sandbox]

Oh, anything but THAT.



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