religious crackpots in public life, was Re: The heart of a leftist

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Sun Jul 9 09:41:06 PDT 2000

Chip Berlet:
> My objections are to vast generalizations that do not reflect the state of
> current research into religious groups, political activism by religious
> voters, and religious-based social movements. There is still to much
> reliance on the discredited claims of status discontent and other gems from
> Lipset, Bell, etc. Further, there is a blurring of fundamentalism and
> evangelicalism, and their relationship to "Mainline" Protestantism and
> electoral politics.
> The best short explanation of these issues can be found in:
> Clarkson, Frederick. (1997). Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between
> Theocracy and Democracy. Monroe, ME: Common Courage.

Over what? The crumbs from the table? When are they allowed out of the woodwork?

> ...

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