A 'true" Christian is Non-denominational (was Re: "Christian")

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Sun Jul 9 18:07:41 PDT 2000

At 07:46 PM 7/9/00 -0500, Carrol Cox wrote:

>Type "Disciples of Christ" into your web browser

it's not that i don't agree that there is a denomination. what i'm telling you is that when someone self identifies as just a christian they are maintaining that they are not part of a-denomination. they refuse to have any organizational structure other than local and they live life according to the bible which IS the word of god. no namby pamby stuff about how it is the interpreted word of god. it IS the word of god. they, as the web site says, live and do things the "bible way" and if the bible (new testament) doesn't address the issue then they don't either. a methodist, a catholic, a baptist, etc -- none of these are *true* christians and, indeed, they are seen as antithetical to true christianity.

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