Gore: victims' bill of rights

Eric Beck rayrena at mail.accesshub.net
Tue Jul 18 14:09:11 PDT 2000

Doug Henwood forwarded:

>Tuesday July 18 8:49 AM ET
>Gore Seeks Crime Victims' Bill of Rights
>By Thomas Ferraro
>MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Al
>Gore (news - web sites) on Tuesday called for a constitutional
>amendment to create a bill of rights for crime victims.

How inspiring! I think next he should propose the Bubonic Plague Eradication Act of 2000.

>Complaining states now provide a patchwork of inadequate protections
>and that there are no comprehensive federal safeguards, Gore proposed
>a new shield to help victims obtain justice, compensation and even a
>measure of peace of mind.

At least these people are consistent. This is from today's New York Times, a spectacular piece of doublespeak about the the Clinton admin's plan to make it easier for the FBI to spy on the world: <http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/07/biztech/articles/18secure.html>

"The administration's legislative proposal on electronic surveillance tries to fix the inconsistent patchwork of laws that apply different standards to telephone, cable and other technologies with a single standard for those systems and the Internet."


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