Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, July 31- August 3 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, August 14-17. ------------------------------------------------------ Join us! We will celebrate and renew our resistance to sweatshop colonialism, police brutality and prison expansion in our cities, the raffling off of the countryside to mining and logging firms, the money-driven political campaigns, lack of decent and affordable healthcare, and all the other ways that politicians put corporate profit ahead of human needs.
L.A. - Philly -,
Stunning legal victory: a judge on July 20 declared L.A.'s security plan unconstitutional, ruling that "when convenience comes up against the First Amendment, the First Amendment wins."
In a dramatic confrontation between city officials and Philadelphia R2k puppeteers, building inspectors Friday July 21 shut down an art studio where activists have been building floats and puppets.
...Though the spokeswoman denied, a car registration gave them away. July 21: Philadelphia police admit spying on protesters -
Packed July 6 press conference discussing the Philadelphia and Los Angeles protests Reuters: C-Span Video Coverage:
Endorse (currently over 300 coast to coast)
Philly -
Los Angeles -
Money is desperately needed
Philly -
Los Angeles -
S26 - Next International Day of Action ------------------------------------------------------ September 25-28 the IMF and World Bank are holding their 55th annual summit in Prague. As part of the ongoing resistance to the world financial oligarchy, a global coalition of environmental, human rights campaigners, students, labor, and many others has started a mass mobilization to Prague. Solidarity actions are being planned worldwide.
Get Involved / Get Connected ------------------------------------------------------ The DAN contact list is available at and can be sorted by state, province, and country. International calendar:
Some News You Might Have Missed ------------------------------------------------------ June 30 - 50,000 Rally in support of Jose Bove, against the WTO, in a small farming town in France. Bové and 10 comrades were on trial for the dismantling a McDonalds restaurant, in a farmer's response to WTO pressure on France to lower restrictions on genetically altered foods.
July 19-21 - Housing activists with "Homes Not Jails" in Washington DC fixed up and occupied an abandoned house to publicize the lack of affordable housing in the city. The three-day event concluded peacefully with three arrests. The homeless family that participated, having been on the housing waiting list for several years, was offered a home.
July 20 - Demonstrators at the G8 Summit in Japan formed a 17.4-kilometer (11-mile) human chain surrounding the largest U.S. military base in the region, Kadena Air Base, protesting the summit and U.S. military presence in Japan.
Color Blind: Activists of Color Bring the Economic War Home, But Is the Movement Missing the Message?
Note ------------------------------------------------------ This news update is brought to you from the DAN web team, and we heartily apologize for all the items missed. Financial support invited! specify "web" and send to MGJ - Alliance for Global Justice, 1247 E Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.
--steven, steven at
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