Krugman quality control worsens

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Tue Jul 25 04:30:31 PDT 2000

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Daniel Davies wrote:

> PS: regarding the new economy and its affect of the US trade balance;
> I said it seemed unlikely to me

It seems the most likely, if somewhat inadvertant savior (of the US economy from the burden of current account and savings adjustment) now on the horizon is Bush's 1.3 trillion dollar tax cut, which would drastically reduce the budget surpluses at roughly the right time to smooth the transition. Assuming anything follows any laws anymore, of course. (Is there a latin phrase for that? It's becoming a more common qualification in economics than certeris paribus.)


__________________________________________________________________________ Michael Pollak................New York City..............mpollak at

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