Surplus NOT from Capital Gains Receipts

Kelley Walker kwalker2 at
Wed Jul 26 14:56:48 PDT 2000

Barry reveals:

>FYI - I've lost track of what was being
>argued/counterargued, and who was saying
>Is there anybody here who still knows what's
>going on?
>I'm saying this because the thread seems to have
>degenerated into a pissing contest, and is shedding far more heat than
>light (and at least in the northern hemisphere, it's summer, and
>we've got all of the heat and light that we need).

WELCOME TO LOB (not a typho) Barry!!!!!!

(Paula, send 'em a verse or two of that woman power song you like.....)

I have determined that everybody who posts to this list has a BIG ONE. i'm generous and charitable like that. i am. so, i'll just pass that information along, to spare you. believe me, you will be *sorely* tempted, eventually, to start logging information in order to compare length, girth, circumference, arc, endurance, and whether the pissing is accompanied by moans (opt).

never mind

as for heat, well, that's what this particular bodily function accomplishes, doesn't it? now, being a native northerner myself, i would only like to point out that what you find a negative feature of such contests is actually a BIG HUGE positive aspect when you're huddled in front of the 'fuser in the winter wrapped in a 20#quilt, shivering.

so, no, that a convo generates more heat than light, nope, that's just not gonna cut it as a real criticism. no no no. not at all.

see, there is one thing we must learn: there are manifest and latent functions to all these sorts of exchanges. if you're looking for the manifest, utilitarian functions of listservs then you will *always* be frustrated. but, on the other hand, if you are looking for other exciting possibilities buried deep in the undergrowth of enjoyment here at LOB, well pull up a chair and stay awhile grab a fun in the summer and quilt in the winter, of course.

hell, what am i telling you any of this for. you have domain. you're an academic. you should know all this already.

go to a habermas conference or section with me some time. now, these people do it while knotted up too. (that was fer ken!)

hilarity interlude dedicated to max, kelley

-- Researcher/Writer Interpact Inc. The Security Consultants kelley at

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