Goldilocks and the Minotaur

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Mon Jul 31 09:43:27 PDT 2000

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> To repeat, radical conversions from the Left to the Right (a la David
> Horowitz) have been few, though the few have commanded our
> disproportionate attention. Most individuals have either moved from
> one strand of the Left to another or (perhaps more commonly) ceased
> to be politically active,

Very frequently in the case of such radical conversions as Horowitz's closer examination reveals that the subject had been an asshole when he/she was a leftist. Horowitz is one example. Rubin was another. (In the summer of 1968 I met someone who had been in jail with Rubin and who even then had utter contempt for him.) Or like Koestler they had never been more than superficially left. Horowitz began his connection with the Panthers at the exact moment when other radicals in the Bay Area were beginning to back off. (The Horowitz case has been discussed at length on the sixties list.) (Horowitz did edit a useful book of esays on imperialism before he finked out.)


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