Where was the Color at A16 in D.C.?

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Tue Jun 20 10:27:10 PDT 2000

justin sez

> >Kelley goes on at some length about how meetings will be different
> after >socialism, and how people will be different, among other things,
> in coming >to love meetings. I think this is a projection of a minority
> taste for >politics and decisionmaking.

oh fuckmedead!

if you'd bother, justin, to read what the hell i wrote you will find that i did no such thing. actually considered three classes of argument in political theory as to *why* the politicitization of every sphere of life might be a bad idea: that it was tantamount to tyranny, that it ignored the sociological insight that the great majority of social life must remain unquestioned in order for society to work at all, and that it is simply not human nature.

jesus christ. it would be nice if you'd take the time to read it, i sent it to the list because you have often taken me seriously in the past. i'd like feedback. i gave it as an address last summer when speaking about my work with the center for the study of citizenship. if you'd like i'll send the article i wrote on the research i did on "political talk". i don't think it's accurate to call people's desire for discussing what matters in life a projection. no they don't want endless meetings, but they do want their voices heard and, when given those forums--when brought into the process of creating those forums--they like it.

i was also making an argument for things like the pub and those sorts of social institutions as opposed to formalized petty meetings about what to do with our recyclables.


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