who knows? who cares?

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Thu Jun 22 09:51:42 PDT 2000

At 12:03 PM 6/22/00 -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
>What the U.S. public knows about the stands of Bush & Gore on various
>issues: <http://www.vanishingvoter.org/data/cand-knowledge.shtml>. Don't
>know is the winner.
>The liberal thing to do would be to denounce this as evidence of appalling
>disengagement, but maybe the radical thing is to say that the public
>doesn't know because it doesn't matter - these wankers will do whatever
>they want to, and what the public thinks counts for nothing.

in the immortal words of that Amerikun Icon, Bart Simpson, "D'oh"


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