One-Half Cheer for the Old Guard!

Nathan Newman nathan.newman at
Thu Jun 22 13:15:30 PDT 2000

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Kimberly Kathryn Phillips-Fein wrote:

> Do people think there's any link between Hoffa's willingness to alienate
> the Dems and the recent decision of the feds to not end oversight of the
> Teamsters? Or the recent Brennan scandal?

Of course there is. Hoffa endorsed Hoekstra, a rightwing anti-labor Republican, fore reelection to Congress based solely on the fact that he had called for ending fed oversight of the Teamsters.

Hoffa is also playing for leverage on Gore over the issue of letting Mexican truck drivers onto US roads, a part of NAFTA that has been delayed but is set to be implemented. Hoffa wants all Mexican truckdrivers barred from US roads - unless of course their companies meet US training and safety standards.

I would assume that Hoffa and Yokich will keep playing footsy with Nader until Gore officially lays out a pro-labor policy position - which is all to the good. Gore needs to get off the silly peace and prosperity tour and start sounding out more populist themes or he is going to be defeated by Bush, Nader or not.

-- Nathan Newman

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