I was gonna leave this one alone. Let sleeping dogs lie. But, just remembered, and found some new documents, that can support, at least some of my assertions.
Since they are quite large, I'll just give the URL's, and some of the headings.. The left-Schactmanite journal, New Politics, had a symposium, extending over two issues, which ventilated the various contending positions. http://www.wilpaterson.edu/~newpol/issue27/kosova.htm
And this looks like a fascinating piece on far right opposition to the war. "Mutt" America, The Religio-Racist Right, and Genocide in the Balkans http://www.haverford.edu/relg/sells/reports/muttamericabelgrade.htm
Just recently, I've started e-mailing the editor of TruthInMedia. His latest whopper which I got him to correct was passing on the internet hoax about HIV infected needles in the gas pumps in Jacksonville, Florida. http://www.truthinmedia.org/ http://www.snopes.com/horrors/mayhem/gaspump.htm
The credulity of some folks. On one hand disbelieve anything the govt. says, even when they say the sky is blue, but believe any damn rumor, from a anti-NWO "source".
Michael Pugliese
Human Rights Archives on the Genocide in Bosnia (and the attempted genocide in Kosovo) Supplementary Documentation for Michael A. Sells, The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia
Seven Misconceptions about the Organized Atrocities in Kosovo 1. The UN should be in charge of response to such situations 2. The NATO action caused the horror. http://www.ihf-hr.org/reports/99kosovo.htm http://www.hrw.org/hrw/reports/1999/kosovo/ http://www.haverford.edu/relg/sells/reports/srpclean1.htm http://www.haverford.edu/relg/sells/reports/srpclean2.htm http://www.haverford.edu/relg/sells/reports/suckos.htm 3. NATO shows a double standard by not intervening in Burma, Chechnya, Rwanda, Sudan, and other places 4. "Only" a few thousand Kosovars were killed and thus the NATO operation was unncessary 5. The NATO action destroyed a strong anti-Milosevic opposition in Serbia. 6 The NATO operation shows how the Serb people are demonized in the West. 7. These are age old antagonisms; it is the nature of Balkan peoples to exterminate one another
Dozens of UN and HRW reports with URL links follow. See the first Haverford.edu URL.