1900 House

Enrique Diaz-Alvarez enrique at ee.cornell.edu
Tue Jun 27 08:18:28 PDT 2000

kelley wrote:

> >>
> >>How's that possible? How can the *average* family have servants?
> children were regularly shipped out to work for distant relatives. young
> children were often hired to help with chores. please read the ruth
> schwartz cowan book, yer avg middle class family, not working class, middle
> class, had some form of servants (help) in the home.

OK. Average *middle* class. You said *average*. Not the same thing.

> again, i was talking about HISTORY, not comparing 1900 to today. the
> concern that women spent 12 hours washing clothes was the target of my
> first rant. my point was that while they spent 12 hours doing a load or
> whatever, they did it once a month! cowan's point is that technological
> revolutions benefited men first and made more work for mother. again, this
> is historically. she also points out that we spend considerable more time
> waiting and driving places to get things done. waiting in the
> physician's/dentists office, waiting in line. we no longer have door to
> door sales people, delivery services, affordable neighborhood stories, etc.

I have no argument with any of this, nor did I at any point imply that I did. I asked a very specific question. You may not believe this, but not everybody in this list is out to get you.

> cornell has a nice library, i used to hang out there. you can find cowan's
> book there. in fact, i first read it while taking a course at cornell!!

Lemme see, you misspoke, and it's my fault 'cuz I didn't spend an evening at the library before pointing it out. Uuuh... OK.

Are you even capable of responding to anything anybody says about anything without trying to start a piss match?

> why do i waste my time.

Scoring points for beatification?

> ok. for my sanity since i have a butt load of work, i'm going to mass
> delete lbo mail for a few days.
> kelley

-- Enrique Diaz-Alvarez Office # (607) 255 5034 Electrical Engineering Home # (607) 272 4808 112 Phillips Hall Fax # (607) 255 4565 Cornell University mailto:enrique at ee.cornell.edu Ithaca, NY 14853 http://peta.ee.cornell.edu/~enrique

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