Harry Wu

Tom Lehman uswa12 at Lorainccc.edu
Thu Mar 2 17:35:31 PST 2000

Anyone got a handle on Harry Wu a Research Fellow at Stanford University?

Harry Wu says, "The Biggest advantage is the cheap and disciplined labor force. It is actually good for U.S business to have a strong communist party, because then they do not have to worry about giving workers benefits or dealing with strikes. Don't tell me that setting up a sweatshop to make cheap sports shoes to export back to the United States is good for the Chinese people."

Mr. Wu goes on to say that "increased trade will not lead to democratic reforms in China, but will hinder them. The United States, through its trade policy, has been financing the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army in their attempts to repress the Chinese population. There is no influential middle class in China. There is only an elite class dependent on the CCP--a red bureauctic class."

I wonder what our e-mail pal the GDP critic from China thinks of Harry Wu; if he's lurking out there in cyberspace?

I'm sure the USWA would be more than happy to organize the Chinese Steelworkers.


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