Sun Tzu and Seattle (RE: AFL-CIO president blasts globalizat

Patrick Bond pbond at
Fri Mar 3 23:50:24 PST 2000

> From: "Nathan Newman" <nathan.newman at>
> "The highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy's plans

But Nathan, Clinton's plan has been pretty clear the whole way along (ranging from grassroots environment and urban struggles to new int'l financial architecture debates): to divide the opposing forces between ones who desperately want a seat at the table--and who in the process can be denuded by way of coercive harmony--and those who are dissatisfied by the inexorably neoliberal outcome.

So, by rejecting the table you attack Clinton's plans, do you not?

Likewise, by explicitly avoiding a tens-of-thousands-strong fortification of the non-violent Convention Center demonstration two blocks away, which would have changed the balance of forces quite considerably between sitdowners and cops, Sweeney implicitly endorsed Clinton's plan. Patrick Bond email: pbond at * phone: 2711-614-8088 home: 51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 South Africa work: University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Public and Development Management PO Box 601, Wits 2050, South Africa email: bondp at phone: 2711-488-5917 * fax: 2711-484-2729

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