Peter Singer & Vegetarian Dogs (was Re: The Heiress and theAnarchist)

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Tue Mar 7 08:47:17 PST 2000

Gordon Fitch sayeth:
>...It's just the usual sort of
thing people with marginalized beliefs or positions have to put up with -- the Jews drink blood, hippies are really fascists in diguise, people concerned the status of animals are implicit Nazis.

Yesterday, searching the barnes & noble site for a Duke Univ. Press book on gay life in Russia, that a cybercomrade had asked me about, in the Queer Theory section, as #10 was the notorious book by two National Alliance neo-Nazis, "Pink Swastika, " all about Ernst Rohm and all that. It'd be funny if, those two hadn't been active in Oregon a few years ago in the Oregon Citizens Alliance pushing the anti-gay ballot initiative a few years ago, and this book, has a certain currency on the mainstream Christian Right as well as the Christian Identity circles and other precincts of the loony right. Guess the moral in these minds eye, is that we're not nazis, these queers are the real nazis. If anyone, wants to venture into the murky depths, of this bilge, don't give the authors any royalties, since the whole thing is on the net, and has been answered at equal length by another set of researchers in the, "Annotated Pink Swastika, " also available on the web.

And sad to say, no one had reviewed the screed (and the b &n data entry wage slaves had incorrectly spelled homosexuality) so I whipped off a review, which should posted on the b & n site in a few days. One final comment, both the barnes & noble and sites have lousy search functions. Give lots of irrelevent hits, and one can put the name of an author in, and not get their books, and then do a subject search, and that author will show up. Once I did a search on communism at b & n and got hundreds of books on biblical exegesis. Oh, one other final comment, anyone hear that Al Bore, cited John 16:3, when he mean't John 3:16? The e-mail I got this tidbit from was that SNETNEWS far right anti-NWO one I'm on, so it's of dubious factual value, still if true, it show how the Gore campaign, like most secular liberal elites, is full of folks that don't know their Bible. Didn't that nutter who was always at football games for years and years always have a sign that said, "John 3:16, "???. Forgot exactly what he is jail for, Murder, I think?

Michael Pugliese

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