Race, Intellect, & Genetics (was Re: Peter Singer & VegetarianDogs)

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Wed Mar 8 14:15:26 PST 2000

I would think 'vicious' goes to intent. Since the term race is routinely used, not least by minorities, with no ill intent, how can it be vicious? It may be that race is socially constructed or "endogenous," but that's another matter, nor does it imply malign intent.

A discussion of race & intelligence can clearly have vicious underpinnings, and it might be irrational, but it seems like you'd have to be a mind-reader to know the difference. If the point is such a discussion always has harmful effects, which is plausible, then I'd say le mot juste lies elsewhere.

pedantically, mbs

While all discussions of racial intelligence are irrational and vicious, let's separate out the key element that means they will be so independently of their specific content.

Their is no way to define the population which is to be studied as a race. Any proposition of the form, "Race X is...." is irrational and vicious. THe proposition "all races are equally intelligent" is racisty, irrational and vicious because it implies it is possible to identify some group of people as a "race."

It is impossible to compare X and Y if neither X nor Y names anything identifiable in the world. The irrationality is raised to a power when the item to be compared is "intelligence," since that cannot (as Gould and others have shown) be related with any feature of the actual world.

Perhaps if Barkley were still on the list we could shift this thread to a comparison of the relative sexual attraction of orcs and trolls from the perspective of gay hobbits.


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