
Rob Schaap rws at comedu.canberra.edu.au
Sun Mar 12 12:47:09 PST 2000

G'day Observers,

Another quarter of, er, 'negative economic growth' for Japan, then? And Japanese economists telling ABC journos, on the quiet, that they can't even begin to imagine a way out.

How would such a reluctant bunch of consumers, who stick huge government hand-outs under the mattress in times of zero interest rates and record low prices - and such an efficient bunch of producers, who produced 20% more cars last year than could sell, affect Wall St?

As even more appreciation, as Yen run away from their incapacity to produce returns in Japan?

Or as a potential bubble-burster, as Japanese industry reappropriates its resources to cover losses (as in the car industry) and mebbe tries to retool for something that someone might actually buy - or as the otherwise inevitably retrenched start calling in their nest-eggs?

Is Japan big enough, or vulnerable enough, to do either of these things?

Just wondering. Rob.

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