tree hugging nazis, and a quick note on Peter Singer

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Mon Mar 13 09:07:19 PST 2000

Jim heartfield:
> >>Finally the anti-GM
> >>campaign rests on a plainly non-scientific, and mystified objection to
> >>cross species gene transfer, summoning up the old fears of
> >>'miscegenation'.

Carl Remick:
> >Wow, really swinging for the fence on that one, JH. A swing and a miss, of
> >course.

Rakesh Bhandari:
> Perhaps the fear revived here is not miscegenation per se but one of
> monsters: things which cannot be into the category of the ordinary. It is a
> paradox that as classification schemes proliferate, so do monsters--see
> Harrite Ritvo. Of course the fear of miscegenation and monsters dissipate,
> as Jim H would doubtless agree, once we take the postmodern turn and reject
> simplistic purity and essentialist categories.

If only the theorizers could get their tediously conservative physical and biological theory-generator support mechanisms to do so!


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