Nathan Newman nathan.newman at yale.edu
Wed Mar 15 09:44:03 PST 2000

>On Behalf Of Charles Brown
> CB: Well, I take an "absolutist" position on freedom from racism,
> and when freedom of speech conflicts with it, freedom from racism
> must prevail.
> So , I say the political value of freedom from racism is more
> important than the value of freedom of speech.

You are conflating action that can always be restricted. Racial harassment and discrimination can be barred under the law without touching free speech. Hate speech laws that increase penalties for racist ACTION is completely compatible with free speech principles.

But I guarantee you that if free speech is eroded, it is advocates against racism that are the ones most likely to end up losing their rights to speak. Conservatives already love to talk about "hate speech" by those who denounce white racism. In practice, there is almost no examples where suppression of speech has served antiracist ends, but plenty where suppression of speech has been the tool of racism.

-- Nathan Newman

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