Jim heartfield jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 15 10:59:01 PST 2000

In message <s8cf7c30.026 at mail.ci.detroit.mi.us>, Charles Brown <CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us> writes
>CB: Well, I take an "absolutist" position on freedom from racism, and when
>freedom of speech conflicts with it, freedom from racism must prevail.

This, incidentally, is ITN's case for censoring LM magazine. They insist that the higher principle of fighting Serb chauvinism renders freedom of speech void.

Of course LM magazine does not accept that criticising ITN's footage constitutes a concession to Serb chauvinism. Nonetheless, ITN's evidence to the courts makes it clear that they demand the right not to be criticised because they are 'fighting racism' (code for making war propaganda) in Bosnia.

That's the problem with abrogating the absolutist position on freedom of speech. What you get is not a clear opposition to racism, but the rule of the courts over free speech, as matters of opinion are decided through legal process.

All power to Justice Morland, would appear to be Charles' position.

-- Jim heartfield

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