Sun, java, and Linux (for Les Schaffer)

Scott Martens smartens at
Thu Mar 16 11:45:28 PST 2000

Chuck Grimes à écrit:

>From Les Schaffer:

`any insights into why Sun was so uhhh slow to fully support Java under linux????' (Les)

`Yes, but I'm a little too talk about it on an open forum ....'


Well here is a completely uninformed guess, based on near zero knowledge or understanding of what I am talking about.

It has to do with the idea that threads are native to java (designed in it) and Linux handles threads, both in user-space and kernel-space.


I doubt it was anything so diabolical.

Now that I've moved to a less firewalled e-mail address for this list I'll give what I suspect the answer to be:

Sun has never taken Linux seriously and still doesn't. Some Sun employees do, but the company has never understood what Linux has to offer that Solaris doesn't.

So, they blew them off. Windows support was just that much more important to them.

Scott Martens

(Sorry, I'd have sent this earlier, but I had an exam yesterday.)

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