>>> Yoshie Furuhashi <furuhashi.1 at osu.edu> 03/16/00 04:52PM >>>
>>While we're on the subject of poor 19th-century hygiene, anybody know if
>>there's any truth to what I've heard about Gibbon
>Good God, what is going on here? Edward Gibbon: 1737-1794.
Well, the absence of _historical_ materialist (i.e., Marxist) knowledge? Fussing about such trivial historical facts betrays your un-postmodern nostalgia for bad old metaphysical certainties. What does it matter if Gibbon was a man of the 18th or 19th century! He belonged to the same _episteme_! You a dupe of positivism! :)
CB: Like Lenin said, most of the examples of absolute truth, such as Napoleon died in 18?? , are trivial.