You can tell it's St.Patrick's Day when,

Tom Lehman uswa12 at
Fri Mar 17 09:18:42 PST 2000

Dear Friend,

The news out of the Establishment parties this week could not be better for our campaign for the White House!

In the Democratic and Republican parties, the hard power of “soft” money

kings Gore and Bush eliminated their pro-campaign reform rivals, Bradley

and McCain, leaving literally millions of voters looking for a true reform presidential campaign to support.

My friend, we are that campaign! With Bradley and McCain out of the race, we alone stand four-square for the elimination of soft money from American politics. Now is the time for us to reach out to these newly dis-enfranchised voters!

What we need today is a financial contribution from you to immediately begin a highly targeted advertising outreach program to voters for whom campaign reform is a key issue. We cannot afford to divert money from our critical signature-gathering and ballot access programs, but neither can

we afford to let slip this golden opportunity to recruit new supporters.

Please try to help with a contribution now. Just click below.

Thanks so much for whatever you can afford to send today.

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