Doug Henwood wrote:
> <>
> Future Generations is about humanitarian eugenics. Humanitarian
> eugenics strives to leave a genuine legacy of love to future
> generations: good health, high intelligence, and noble character. We
> advocate measures to improve the innate quality of humankind which
> are entirely voluntary. Please be forewarned that most ideas
> expressed on this website are "politically incorrect." We aspire to
> total honesty, believing that it is the only policy for people with
> integrity, and furthermore, that in the long run, honesty is
> far-and-away the most compassionate policy. If we ever hope to solve
> the problems which face our species, it's imperative that we first
> look at them objectively, and assess the scientific evidence without
> bias. If the truth about genetics and behavior, about eugenics, or
> about race, is considered "taboo," and falsehoods are the only
> socially acceptable opinions, then this is truly a sad state of
> affairs, but we shouldn't let it deter us.
-- Marta Russell author Los Angeles, CA Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract