Yet despite little official slack in the labor market, wages remain basically stagnant in this business cycle upturn. >>>>>>>
[mbs] ?????? Which planet are you referring to? Or does "basically stagnant" mean "increasing"?
This has to be explained.
Gains have tended not to be from the bottom up but rather from the top of
financial analysts down.
[mbs] Actually the novel feature of the past 2-3 years is the gains at the bottom.
With deunionization, globalization of production
and immigration, slack now seems a permanent condition of the labor market
[mbs] Except for right now.
. . . Greenspan's role seems now not one of disciplining labor through
restrictive monetary policy but choking borrowing against in assets to kill
inflation that could incite a run on dollar denominated assets, which could
then undermine the global position of the dollar and the world economic
system which is presently based on its reserve role.
[mbs] G-span is "choking borrowing"?
Numbers. Look into 'em.