> >Gotta love that HCKL:
> >
> >>As for Doug Henwood, he is nothing but a intellectual Fifth Columnist
> >>whose sole function is to co-opt the US intellectual left into being
> >>another tool of the oppressive establishment.
> No! No!
> Speaking for the establishment, our real fifth columnists are those
> who are by word and deed dedicated to turning the left into even more
> of a sectarian factionalist abattoir than it is.
> They are, I must admit, remarkably effective...
> Brad DeLong
Steve writes:
Really? My sense is they don't have that great an effect at all. I wonder
what makes you think they are so 'effective'? Just because sectarians are
good at sounding like they know everything under the sun there is to know
by virtue of reading _________ and/or speaking loudly, doesn't mean they
are effective at much else...