Uncle Joe's Comedy Circus

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Mon May 1 14:41:07 PDT 2000

Charles Brown wrote:
>Lenin's jokes

Well, let's hear some. I'm a little blue today, I need cheering up.

Are they as good as Uncle Joe's jokes? "Does the severed head mourn the hair?" That was always one of my favorites, whatever it means - though nothing beats "For some people, four walls are three too many."


Here are some more:

q. What did the revisionist dog say after hanging by his thumbs for a week?

a. Boy are my arms tired!

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A revolutionary tribunal gave a man six months to live. The man wouldn't inform on his collaborators, so they gave him another six months.

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I was on trial for my life, but the judge said "Don't worry, you'll live to be 60!" "I AM 60!" "See, what did I tell you?"

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A man goes to a psychiatrist. The doctor says "You're crazy." The man says "I want a second opinion!" "Okay, you're ugly too!"

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A peasant came up to me saying "I haven't eaten in two days!" I said, "You should force yourself!"

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