Zizek's Lenin

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Wed May 3 12:01:42 PDT 2000

Carrol Cox wrote:

>The Subject replaces the acting human person (and hides history
>as a by-product). Desire replaces honest confrontation with human
>desires. Social construction substitutes metaphysics for history. The
>Phallus trivializes the oppression of actual women. Neurosis is, for
>intellectuals, the 20th century repalcement of the 18th century
>entertaniment of watching the nuts at Bedlam on Sunday afternoon.
>Discourse is what Marx meant by vulgar economics.

And Class occludes the experience of actual workers and capitalists. Capital occludes the distinctions between drill presses, scanners, and inverse floaters. Building Socialism occludes the processes by which one does that happens, and just what institutional structures and social relations constitute socialism.

When you say those things about the Subject, Desire, the Phallus, etc., I wonder if you've actually read or talked to anyone who uses these concepts seriously. Your enemy Freud wrote about case histories; lit critters write about specific texts. And neurosis, well that's all around you.


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