Oh, pulllease... You're very good at informing people that there are things you do not understand, and you are very good at insisting that because you do not understand something it must be dangerous. And since both statements together do not make a lot of sense to me, I can only think that you are scaring yourself unecessarily. But when you try real hard to scare other people, it gets a little more than I can possibly bear.
Let me put it another way: you return again and again to Zizek and 'desire', but haven't shown much interest in border politics, and certainly not much knowledge of the political campaigns in the EU on this. When Ken or I have argued why the antiHaider protests will not fulfill what you claim is their content (defending migrants, anti-racism), you just trundle along with another post -- can we set the calender by the next one? -- about that darned Zizek. In other words, it's all really a backdrop to some foolish argument about 'leadership', where content is little more than a passing reference.
Mack suggested you can have the emperor's clothes... You seem to have taken a few twirls in the outfit already. I think the keyword here is 'desire'.
ciaou, Angela _________