Zizek's Lenin

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Fri May 5 12:50:48 PDT 2000

Dave wrote:

> Rather than referencing some period in history or prehistory as you might
> expect, I'd instead say something like very early childhood

A friend of mine has been researching commodification and childhood, or in other words, the point at which one is targeted, created, or perhaps it is summoned, as a consumer. The threshold of pre-consumerism seems to be getting younger; just as working age has in a lot of countries -- the toy industry in the EPZ's in China, kids working as part of the labour of a whole family in outwork putting together components of toys in lots of other places... It's an interesting nexus... Perhaps it explains something about why the anti-sweat campaigns seem to be so, well, youthful?

Angela _________

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