Little interest among Chinese students one year after NATO bombing(fwd)

rc-am rcollins at
Fri May 5 12:51:21 PDT 2000

So, then, what do you make of the anti-US protests?

> BEIJING, May 5 (AFP) -
> For many students who took part in the violent anti-US protests after the
> NATO bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade anger has given way to study,
> job hunting and the dream of living abroad.
> The atmosphere on the campus of Beijing's People's University during this
> week's MayDay holiday week was relaxed and students expressed little
> interest and almost no anger over the May 7, 1999 bombing.

And what do you think this means?

> His statements were widely reported in the Chinese press, as were
> statements made Tuesday by President Bill Clinton which said failure to
> pass PNTR would be "very unwise and precarious" from a national security
> point of view.

Is this Clinton's line or that of the Chinese press?

Angela _________

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