>>> Reese <reeza at flex.com> 05/12/00 10:45PM >>>
At 01:48 PM 12/05/00 EDT, Carl Remick wrote:
>>From: Jordan Hayes <jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com>
>>My favorite version is that "If we have not seen further than others, it
>>is because we are stepping on the feet of giants" ...
>Mine is similar: "If we have not seen further, it is because we are
>shooting our giants in the foot due to unrestricted access to guns." ;-)
How about: "If we have not seen further, it is because we are being stepped on by giants,,, where are our guns?"
How about: "We have had more guns than anybody for many years, but it didn't prevent the giants from stepping on us, so anybody who can see very far would conclude that we need some different politics"