Suicide in New Zealand (Jim O'Connor)

kelley kwalker2 at
Mon May 15 13:58:18 PDT 2000

At 04:21 AM 5/16/00 +1000, Joanna Sheldon wrote:
>Jim and Kelley,
>I think your Durkheim note, Jim, might give a clue about the Swedes.
>("Durkheim would say that people are over-integrated into society in
>Finland (which gives you one form of suicide) [...]." ) I'd imagine
>there's a lot of pressure on Swedes to toe the line, be an upstanding
>member of society, keep that shoulder to the common wheel, etc. What if
>you don't feel like soldiering on with the crowd? What if you want to tune
>out, go your own way, lone wolf it? What happens to the tall poppies, the
>really short poppies, the odd poppies? I may be wrong but I don't imagine
>there's a whole helluvalot of support for excentricity in Sweden. Whereas
>(correct me if I'm wrong, Brits) I don't think that's the case in the U.K..
> And maybe the low rate in the U.S. (which surprised me more than anything
>in your list, Kelley) is attributable to the fact that it includes enough
>outlandish (as in beyond the village pale) subcultures that you'll almost
>always be able to find SOME little crowd you can hang with, feel real in,
>be confirmed by.
> >seriously, though, there are three basic patterns of suicide:
> >
> >1. rates increases steadily w/ age for men in countires like austria,
> >france, italy, japan, germany and for women in austria, italy, japan,
> >germany. [in descending order]
>Thing I noticed about this list, beyond the interesting statistics, is that
>men are always mentioned first, women second. Just another one of those
>subtle but all-the-more powerful-for-that messages that guys are where it's
>at, huh.

men commit more suicide in general. but frankly, i'm not especially big on formalities like where men are placed in a text as compared to women. if that will change historical pay inequity i'll let carrol eatme while i make it clear that my attitude during said activity would still be characterized by DILLIGAF, FOAD, and HAND


nevermind me i'm having a shitty day. but i still think it's ridick to worry about where men are in the reporting of stats. i put my efforts elsewhere in the push for advancing women's rights, equality, etc etc etc. and i have done so with incredibly boring regularity and vocalness on this fucking list of all places. so i don't especially care for being called on the carpet for something as trivial as this.


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