If just about anybody is able to fuck up a W system by writing a small script then there is a problem, that linux is unlikely to have (not anybody is able to write a script that will overcome the simple 'owner' system).
The problem is not rogue states that would attack us when we are heavily dependant on computers (ooops, I suppose the guy meant MS), it is our gvt who have been playing with the devil and who should be held responsible (just like MS) for this kind of problem. By the way, the article by AFUL I mentioned in my first mail refers to the French consumer law where (it seems) any company selling any kind of products is liable for it being defective. Plus (back to the /. thing and the license/copyright pb) licenses have to be printed in specific places that the consumer can see before buying the product, which seems not to have been the case for most MS products.
Maybe the best thing to protect us from MS and similar companies is not so much waiting for them to be monopolies and then waste state money on long anti monopoly trials but reinforce consumer law so that the end product is something that does not hurt the environment in which it is supposed to be used (natural/social/computer env... etc)
JC Helary