Gallup on Bush-style SS scheme

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Tue May 16 13:46:52 PDT 2000

Wrong question. More relevant would be, how do you feel about diverting payroll taxes from the Social Security Trust Fund, thereby causing it to go into deficit x years sooner, and delaying pay-down of the national debt by y years, for the sake of setting up personal investment accounts. This would not be my critique of Dubya's proposal, but it will be Gore's.


[from Gallup's weekly bulletin]

* Bush on Social Security GOP presidential candidate George W. Bush today announced his plan for partial privatization of the Social Security system. In an attempt to increase investment returns and prevent bankruptcy of the trust fund in 2037, Bush's plan would allow workers to personally invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in stock market accounts. A Gallup survey earlier this year found close to 2-to-1 public support for this general concept. Sixty-two percent of Americans said they favored a proposal that would "allow or require people to put a portion of their Social Security payroll taxes into personal retirement accounts that would be invested in private stocks and bonds," while just 33% opposed it. [January 13-16, 2000] Governor Bush is clear that individual workers, but not the government, will be allowed to invest Social Security funds in the stock market. Indeed, when Gallup asked about this two years ago, a sharp distinction in public opinion was revealed: 66% favored individual investments, compared to only 38% who favored the government investing. [July 13-14, 1998]

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