RES: Kim Jong Il Thinks He's a God-King: Why Ignore It?

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Thu May 25 10:20:13 PDT 2000

>>> Rob Schaap <rws at> 05/24/00 09:47PM >>>
Hear, hear, Alexandre. If it ain't democratic, it not only ain't socialist, it ain't even on the road to socialism. Democracy is the ONLY guard against the gradual consolidation of competing interests into competing classes, I reckon.


CB: Spoken as a true liberal.

The reverse is true today. If it ain't socialist, then it ain't democratic. That's a Marxist approach to democracy.


I'm taken with old Lord Acton's aphorism about a world in which our individualistic and distorted notions of power rule: 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'.

An oldie, but a goodie.

Cheers, Rob (a 'liberal' because he actually thinks 'all power to the Soviets' would have been a good idea ... )


CB: Or as the Black Panthers said, All Power to the People,

an oldie but goodie derived from "All Power to the Soviets " and the U.S. Constitutional Preamble ("We, the People"). Popular Sovereignty.

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