I recently asked here for some help tracking down police brutality statistics. Here's a summary of what I've found so far:
* No one tracks *un*justifiable police homicides at the national
level. I find this very distressing. More about this issue at
<URL:http://monkeyfist.com/articles/529>, a brief note called "Flaws
in FBI's Uniform Crime Reports Prevent Progress".
I would dearly love to learn that I'm wrong about this and someone
*is* tracking unjustified police homicides; if you know a source
for searching national homicide data indexed to *profession* that
would work too.
* <URL:http://www.fbi.gov/ucr.htm> lists *justifiable* police
homicides, as well as stats on Law enforcement assaults and *
* The BLS has good stats on law enforcement deaths at
* AI report on NYC police brutality is at
* Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Stats at
* The Police Foundation in DC has good people interested in this and
related issues; I spoke with Karen Handford, and she was *most*
helpful and encouraging. <URL:http://www.policefoundation.org/>.
* Prof Colin Loftin at SUNY Albany is *apparently* a resource for
this kind of inquiry, though I haven't yet confirmed that directly.
* Prof Samuel Walker at Nebraska is the leading expert on Civilian
Review Boards, though I haven't spoken with him yet, I suspect he
may have some information on unjustified police homicides.
Thanks to all who gave me hints and pointers.
Best, Kendall Clark -- THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS http://monkeyfist.com/