Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Sat May 27 07:19:18 PDT 2000

Brad De Long wrote:

>Freedom to move...
>Freedom of occupation...
>Freedom to quit your job...
>Freedom to travel...
>Freedom to read...
>There is a very wide gap between a garden-variety dictatorship and
>North Korea under Juche, and there is a wide gap between the
>relatively soft rule exercised by really existing socialism in
>post-WWII eastern Europe and what we *think* went on in North Korea.
>God-Kings are not one of the more pleasant forms of rule that humans
>have invented....

Barkley, who seems to thrive on being contrary, says there's life in this thread yet, but I still see only the ceaseless reiteration of familiar positions. Let's put this one on the shelf for a while, ok?


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