No Megalomania in Capitalism (was Re: seth & defusing korea tensions)

Reese reeza at
Mon May 29 21:35:26 PDT 2000

At 11:14 AM 29/05/00 -0400, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

>Last but not the least, images of plain & stocky middle-aged Asian
>men are fashion crimes of immense proportions.

Just imagine the plain & stocky middle-aged Asian women! Here's a hint - you should go spend some time in the orient, in Japan maybe? And actually look around, talk to some people while you are there.

>The capitalist
>aesthetic demands that we worship the Thin, (Very) Young, & Beautiful

Last I looked, pedophilia (really worshiping the "very" young) was still punishable. Strike two.

>is symbolically appropriate because both in modelling & sports eating
>disorder is very common, and eating disorder follows the logic of
>capitalism: Binge & Purge. Or Scarcity and Desire Unlimited.

You failed pop psychology, didn't you? Talk about simplifications used to malign. Outright misrepresentation. Calumny. Show me a model who binges and purges, I'll show you a person with mental problems in the land of plenty - this is in contrast with 20 million plus who were starved to death for no better reason than because they wished to run their own lives.


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